The English version is here


Single Boardコンピュータで


symphonic-mpdとはVOLUMIOやMOODE AUDIOと同様、音楽再生に特化したラズベリーパイ専用のディストリビューションです。

mpd, AirPlay, Spotify Connectが利用可能です。



  1. Real-Time Kernelを採用 (Xenomai 3.0.7)
  2. I2S出力に特化したXenomai対応ドライバー・再生ソフトウェアを独自開発
  3. Kernel, mpd, AirPlay, Spotify Connect, alsa-lib他、各種ライブラリへの独自パッチ適用
  4. ビルドオプションの最適化
  5. リアルタイム優先度と実行CPUの設定
  6. mpd, AirPlay, Spotify Connectの排他実行(不要プロセス停止・NASアンマウントの自動化)
  7. CPU/GPUのアンダークロック
  8. PLL精度の向上(DAC側がスレーブの場合に音質を改善します)
  9. 各種OS Jitter対策(カーネルスレッドによる割り込みの抑止・カーネルパラメータチューニング)
  10. 再生ソフト・サンプリングレートに合わせたALSAバッファのチューニング
  11. NASマウント設定の自動チューニング(スループット測定に30秒程度かかります)
  12. HDMI、Wifi、Bluetoothの停止(消費電力低下・ノイズ抑止・電圧安定化)
  13. USBポートへのバスパワー供給停止(消費電力低下・電圧安定化)
  14. LED消灯
  15. Web UIとしてympdを採用(超軽量・低負荷なWebサーバ)
  16. MPDとWeb UI間の通信にはUnix Domain Socketを使用し、TCP6600ポートでの待ち受けを停止


The English version


Single Board Computer

Play Symphony !

Symphonic-MPD, like Volumio and Moode, is a dedicated audio player distribution for Raspberry Pi single board computers.
In order to achieve high sound quality, it have specialized only in support of I2S connection, and have achieved great results in HDMI connection DAC and DAC HAT.
Audio playback is also available via MPD, Airplay, and Spotify Connect.

Our development policy is to pursue improved sound quality by reducing latency. We are very committed to this approach. Any unessential features that increase latency are against this policy and are discarded. Disabling upsampling (soxr) is an example of this.

Characteristics of symphonic-mpd

  • Real-Time Kernel (Xenomai 3.0. 7)
  • Proprietary Xenomai driver and playback software specialized for I₂S output has been developed
  • Custom patching to kernel, MPD, AirPlay, Spotify Connect, ALSA-lib, and other libraries for high fidelity playback
  • Optimized builds for a fast and compact system
  • Optimized real-time priority and CPU execution
  • mpd, AirPlay, Exclusive Spotify Connect (Automate unnecessary process stops and NAS unmounts)
  • Reduction of noise and stabilization of voltage by stopping HDMI, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth services, and USB bus power, underclocking of CPU/GPU, and turning off LEDs
  • Improved PLL accuracy improves the sound quality of I2S HAT when running in slave mode. When using I2S HAT that runs in master mode, PLL setting is canceled by replacing dt-blob.bin. This reduces CPU load.
  • Reduction of operating system jitter by suppressing kernel thread interrupts and tuning kernel parameters
  • ALSA buffer tuning to match the playback sampling rate
  • Auto-Tuning of NAS mount settings to optimize throughput (It takes about 30 seconds to measure throughput.)
  • Ultra-lightweight, low load web server YMPD as a Web UI
  • UNIX domain socket communication between MPD and YMPD rather than the typical use of TCP port 6600
  • Online version updating

In order to benefit from Xenomai on Raspberry PI 2B & Raspberry PI 3B+, you need to tune the parameters.




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