Web UIに変更がありますので、ブラウザキャッシュのクリアをお薦めいたします。
不具合報告はv0.9系 不具合報告スレッドにお願いいたします。
- Web UIの不具合を修正しました。
- コネクション再接続の改善
- キューが空になったときのUIを改善
- 曲の切り替わりに曲名・アルバム名などを通知
- 曲追加ボタンを から に変更
- ライブラリサーチプラグインを追加しました。( @sunatomo さんご提供)
- NAS設定エラー時の動作を改善しました。(edit_fstab.sh)
- Spotify Connect未使用時の排他動作を改善しました。(ympd_event.sh)
<iOS Safaliでのオンラインアップデートについて>
Safaliのプライベートブラウズ機能でWeb UIを開けば現象を回避することができました。ご参考まで。
v0.9.5より、Web UIのメニューに[SEARCH]が追加されました。
v0.9.5 has been published via only update.
v0.9.6 has been published. Miner problems of v0.9.5 have been fixed.
As Web UI has been changed, Clearing browser cache is recommended.
Please report problems in v0.9 stream problem report thread.
[Major changes]
- Defects of Web UI have been fixed.
- Improvement of reconnection
- Improvement of UI when queue gets empty
- Notification of title name/album name when new title starts
- Change of "add" button from to
- Introduction of library search plug-in (provided by @sunatomo -san)
- Improvement of NAS setting error handling (edit_fstab.sh)
- Improvement of exclusive control when Spotify Connect is NOT used (ympd_event.sh)
[Online update on iOS Safali]
There is an issue that update button of setting screen is disabled with Safali on iPad/iPhone.
This can be avoided if you open Web UI with private browse feature on Safali. Just FYI.
Thre is no issue with Edge/Chrome on Windows. iPhone where the latest iOS update has NOT been done is working fine as well. Clearing all cache including cookies can improve the situation (clearing cookies has not been tried)
Introduction of library search plug-in
In v0.9.5, [SEARCH] has been added to Web UI menu.
This is a feature to search with tag information like artist name, album name, title name and genre.
You can add search results to queue with "+" button once they are listed. (search filed at right side of "Title" is useful for further filtering.)